Dedicated Support

User's data is a sensitive matter and SVNKit could become crucial component of your application. To ensure problem-free experience our team provides professional support for SVNKit. This support is provided on commercial basis and includes guaranteed response to your questions and inquires, priority with bug fixing and adapting SVNKit for your application.

Please contact us at to get information on support terms and pricing.

Useful Resources

In case you have a question, make sure you read all the information below - the answer you need may be right there, just waiting for you to find it.

Support Forum

We love all users of SVNKit and you're welcome in our Support Forum. This is a great source of information on how to use SVNKit, on how to achieve best performance with it and also to report problems you may experience.

Please read the article on how to enable debug logging before posting an issue. Debug log dramatically reduces time it takes to reproduce and fix the problem.


We use wiki engine for SVNKit documentation, examples and FAQ. It is very convenient. SVNKit Wiki is at

Online Javadoc

Standard Javadoc documentation is not only part of SVNKit source code, but also available online for the latest stable version. You'll find it at SVNKit API JavaDoc page.